Thursday, October 3, 2019

My Project so far

My project is doing awesome so far. My project is a acrylic painting parody of the Mona Lisa. the colors on my painting are silver, yellow, orange, red, blue, purple, magenta, green, and copper. I am finished with my project and it's beautiful. that's not fog in the background of my painting, it's smoke in the background of my painting. I already know that acrylic paint dries as plastic on other areas and paper. I used different sizes of paintbrushes to fit different spaces excluding the wolf also I used different metallic colors. My problem on this project was that I ended up with paint on my hands during the process. My solution to the problem was that I washed my hands after I finished.
The three principals of my project I have done were texture, medium and shade.
for texture, I used the acrylic paints that made up the beautiful texture.
for medium, I used acrylic paints to make up the background and drawing.
for shade, I used dark colours, light colours, and metallic colours to make up the kind of shade in background.

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